Foundation Matching

How do you know what foundation to buy? First you must understand there are many different types of foundation. Foundation is the single most important piece of makeup you can have. It evens out our skin tone and creates a pallet for the remainder of our makeup application. You could do the most amazing smokey eye but if your ruddy cheeks are still showing no one will even notice your eyes!

Foundation is available is powder, liquids and cream form. With powder being the lightest coverage to cream being the heaviest. First you must decide with amount of coverage you need. If you are a first time foundation user you will probably start out lighter. If you have skin areas needing coverage you may need heavier.

Test the shade of the foundation on the inner side of your wrist or on your jawline. The shade should blend in with your skin color and not leave a line. You will not want the shade to be darker or lighter as it will look like a mask rather than natural. Remember the shade will be dark or light, but will also have tone. You will need to match your tone as well. Cool or warm. Foundation bought “over the counter” is different from professional makeup. Over the counter foundation is usually a lighter consistency will less pigment. Professional foundation is usually more pigmented and can be custom blended. It is best to seek consultation from a licensed makeup artist or cosmetologist to match your foundation perfectly. Here’s to flawless skin!



Please DO NOT use “box hair color”!

Many people think they are capable to color their hair themselves at home. I know you have seen the commercials with famous actresses looking beautiful and stating “you are worth it”. Do you honestly believe Beyoncé goes to her local drugstore, buys box hair color, and puts it on herself at home? Really? No she pays a professional hair colorist to create her own unique color, and it is gorgeous.

If you are thinking of coloring your hair, seek a salon with a licensed cosmetologist. In order to obtain that cosmetology license those stylists have had to complete hundreds of hours of training. Learning the chemical compositions of the products they use, and the hair itself. Most of them continue learning by taking extensive hair color classes. After being in the business 25 years I had the opportunity to train at the Sassoon Academy in ABC hair color techniques. I had a thorough knowledge of color, hair and years of salon experience. I did not know the art of different applications and the methodical approach to it. The color applications that I am now capable of are only limited to my imagination. I consider myself to be a very good colorist and I would never attempt to color my own hair. The application is just as important as the formula to achieve the desired end result.

Yes the formula. You see it is really a science – chemistry. The condition of the hair, underlying pigments, previous color, and the amount of grey are just a few factors that will determine what you end up with. So those boxes on the shelf of “light brown” may not turn out to be light brown on you. In fact they will not be the same on everyone. Also do you know what strength the developer is? Most people do not and wonder why their hair feels so dry and tangly after their home color. Professional hair color done correctly by a stylist should not damage your hair.  Stylist know what strength of developer to use or not. The stylist should explain prior to application the outcome you can expect. Most clients tell me their hair feels better after color service. So please don’t try it at home. Look at a professional hair color service as a treat to yourself. A relaxing trip to the salon can make you look and feel better!


The Bobbi Pin

In 1899 the Bobbi pin came into use to hold hair in the “bob” style look for women. It was invented in Paris by Luis Marcus. In the 1920’s it gained popularity. Bobbi pins are still widely used to hold hair in place. Bobbi pins come in metal and plastic. They range in color to “blend” in with the hair color so not to be seen. Salon Professionals as well as the average joe on the street uses Bobbi pins. Have you ever really thought of their many uses?FullSizeRender (1).jpg

While attending a Teachers conference we were asked to list as many uses FullSizeRender.jpgof a Bobbi pin as we could in one minute. Sort of a “minute to win it game”. It was designed to make you think out of the box – mind map. Well my table came up with some creative uses; hold hair, replace broken eyeglass leg, clean under nails, separate eyelashes, scratch yourself, hold clothes together when button falls off, hold papers together, hold button in on gearshift of car to change gears, pick your nose (yuck!), paint with, nail art tool, use as a toothpick, the list went on and on. Needless to say our table won the challenge, we are kind of competitive.

So there you have it a little Bobbi pin history and a few “new” uses for the tool. Next time you grab a Bobbi pin remember it’s not limited for hair holding only!

Stay Beautiful!


It’s All About that Base

Base Coat I am talking about. I am sure many of you have painted your nails a time or two. Do you really know what base coat is for? Is it really necessary? The answer is yes! Base coat has two main purposes. First is to prepare the natural nail so nail color shade adheres better. Second is to prevent stain-age to the natural nail.

You see, our nails are made up of layers. Theses layers are not always even. Some may have ridges or corrugations. Others may be peeling or split. Apply a thin layer of base coat to the nail before applying your colored lacquer. This base coat will fill in any uneven ridges to allow the colored lacquer to go on evenly. You could use a nail strengthener as the base coat to help strengthen the natural nail. This is especially helpful if you have weak, thin, or brittle nails.

There are so many nail lacquer shades to choose from, pale pink to deep black! Anytime a dark shade, or heavily pigmented shade is used on the natural nail there is a chance of stain-age. The nails are porous and pigment will stain them. In order to prevent this, base coat should always be applied before the color. Base coat will provide that protective barrier needed to prevent stains, allowing you to change color shades often without worry. So don’t forget that base! Happy polishing 😉




Customer Service

As licensed professionals in the beauty industry, we are actually in the service industry. Understanding this and providing every client everyday with five star customer service will be the reason you will achieve success or not.FullSizeRender (1).jpg

Look around you at the bank, restaurants, or retail stores. How many people actually take pride in their appearance? How many offer you a service with a smile? How many offer to help you BEFORE you have to ask? Today we live in a world where it seems people care only for themselves. “What’s in it for me?” When we do run into someone that gives us outstanding service, we are shocked and thrilled. Those service providers make us want to go back for more.

While Christmas shopping last year, in a large department store for boots, a saleswoman offered to help me and my daughter find the pair we were looking for. I mentioned the style and brand to her. She immediately took us to the exact pair! She offered to get the correct size for my daughter to try on. Before going to the stockroom, she showed us a comfy seat we could wait for her to return. She quickly returned with two boxes. One box had the boot my daughter had asked for, and the other had a pair in a sliFullSizeRender (2)ghtly different style. She brought both as she thought my daughter may like the second pair better for comfort. My daughter tried both pairs on, and the saleswoman was right. The pair we did not ask for were better! Much to our surprise my daughter chose that pair AND they were 40% off!! Needless to say, I was paying so I was over the moon. I stood up and said we will take them, where do we pay? She informed me if I was paying by credit card she could take it here, I could remain in the comfy chair. I sat back down and gave her my card. Within minutes we were checked out and on our way. Now that was 5 star service. What a pleasure. I truly believe if more service providers would behave like this the world would be a happier place.



What’s the big deal with brows?

Eyebrows frame the eye and can enhance ones appearance instantly. Ever notice a unibrow? Over tweezed brow? Or even someone that appears to have no brows? All of these brows can be corrected or altered to enhance the appearance of the person.

As a general rule of thumb, brows should begin straight up from the inner corner of the eye. The highest point or the arch should be directly above the iris of the eye. The brow should end at a 45 degree angle from the tip of nose to outer cornerFullSizeRender (1) of the eye. The shape of the brow itself is a personal preference. One should determine the shape of brow that best suits their face shape and eye shape. What do you want to emphasize, or draw attention to? For example, you may have close set eyes. Having your brows start further apart can give the illusion your eyes are farther apart. A heavy lidded eye can be given a “lift” by raising the arch. Wide set eyes can be made to appear closer by beginning the eyebrows closer together in the center.

Today there are numerous methods used to shape eyebrows. Gone are the days of the past, using seashells and crude abrasives to remove hair. Cold wax, hot wax,sugaring, threading are just a few common methods to remove hair. Should you have very light colored brows, you mayFullSizeRender.jpg choose to tint (color) your brows. A less permanent method would be to fill the brows with eye pencil or brow powders. They even have brow stencils with different shapes that make it very easy to get the perfect brow. A small angled brush is a must when filling the brows. Have curly or unruly brows? Eye brow gel or clear mascara can keep your brows in place. You could also get the brows straightened out with lash and brow perm!

Let’s face it, brows are big business these days. Women are embracing the brow bars around the globe. A professional salon stylist, make up artist or Esthetician is the best place to get help with shaping your brows. Men too should care for their brows. As men get older those brows can get out of control and take over the face! Your stylist or barber should offer to trim up unruly brows while you are getting your regular haircuts. Should your brows need more that just a trim you may want to seek advice of an Esthetician, possibly waxing will be needed.

